01/05/2024 Professor Kai-Michael Toellner joins the Immunology programme as a senior group leader people |immunology |b cells |t cells |germinal response |antibodies |press release
23/11/2023 Dr Hayley Sharpe receives an ERC Consolidator Grant award |funding |sharpe |signalling |cell biology |protein phosphatases |t cells |animal research |facilities |women in science
16/05/2023 Understanding the effect of age on vaccination response to ensure immunity in older people immunology |immune system |ageing |vaccination |t cells |covid-19 |linterman |animal research
04/11/2021 Limiting inflammation may improve 鈥榝lu vaccination response in older people immunology |linterman |flu vaccine |vaccination |t cells |ageing |press release |animal research
23/07/2021 New understanding of cell stability with potential to improve immune cell therapies liston |t cells |immunology |animal research |cell therapy |press release
13/11/2020 Dissecting the immune characteristics of severe COVID-19 responses immunology |t cells |covid-19 |immune system |lymphocyte signalling |liston |collaborative research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |human |press release
22/07/2020 New role for white blood cells in the developing brain immunology |t cells |brain |development |collaborative research |animal research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |people |liston