19/07/2024 Immune cell map of pigs lung offers insights to improve human and animal health immunology |immune system |respiratory infections |collaborative research |animal research |health |vaccination |single-cell analysis |Richard
04/03/2024 Degree of cell crowding in the early human embryo influences cell identity decision, new culture system finds developmental biology |stem cells |Rayon |epigenetics |collaborative research |embryo |press release
12/02/2024 New Ageing Cluster brings together national expertise to put ageing under the microscope ageing |funding |collaborative research |linterman |immunology |immune system |animal research |animal facility |facilities
23/01/2024 PlaqueTec and the º£½ÇÉçÇøÂÛ̳ collaborate on blood screen to improve treatment for coronary artery disease flow cytometry |collaborative research |babraham research campus |health |facilities
09/11/2023 Institute groups receive funding for paradigm-shifting research through BBSRC Pioneer Awards funding |bbsrc |signalling |epigenetics |cell biology |molecular biology |discovery |christophorou |houseley |McGough |Rayon |facilities |collaborative research |grants |press release
19/10/2023 Dr Michelle Linterman joins the GSK Immunology Network linterman |knowledge exchange |immunology |immune system |health |ageing |germinal response |collaborative research |industry |women in science
11/10/2023 Institute Immunologists join a new UKRI-funded global collaboration on vaccine development immunology |linterman |immune system |vaccination |germinal response |collaborative research |funding |women in science
07/09/2023 3D genome analysis reveals secrets to antibody diversity immunology |immune system |b cells |genome organisation |3d genome |antibodies |healthy ageing |antibody repertoire |collaborative research |bioinformatics |women in science |animal research |press release
30/05/2023 Uniting immunology and vaccine expertise will explore how to boost mRNA vaccine response in older people immunology |ageing |linterman |turner |collaborative research |vaccination |germinal response |animal research |funding |flow cytometry |bbsrc
01/02/2023 Stemnovate and º£½ÇÉçÇøÂÛ̳ come together to untangle the tauopathy in Alzheimer’s disease ktistakis |autophagy |alzheimer's disease |neurodegeneration |Protein aggregation |collaborative research |babraham research campus |signalling
19/10/2022 Exploiting vulnerabilities to maintain cancer drug effectiveness cell signalling |cancer |collaborative research |epigenetics |signalling |houseley |cook |imaging |bioinformatics |flow cytometry |genomics
13/11/2020 Dissecting the immune characteristics of severe COVID-19 responses immunology |t cells |covid-19 |immune system |lymphocyte signalling |liston |collaborative research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |human |press release
14/09/2020 Institute signalling research waves red flag for commercial drug target candidate signalling |cell signalling |drug development |peer-reviewed |experimental study |collaborative research |cook
22/07/2020 New role for white blood cells in the developing brain immunology |t cells |brain |development |collaborative research |animal research |peer-reviewed |experimental study |people |liston
06/07/2020 Novel CRISPR screen speeds discovery of early developmental regulators epigenetics |reik |developmental biology |mammalian development |single-cell |collaborative research |animal research |gene expression
06/07/2020 New technique offers speed and ease to study imprinted genes at unprecedented coverage development |epigenetics |dna methylation |gene expression |regenerative medicine |stem cells |impact |reik |collaborative research |animal research
02/07/2020 Martin Howard joins the Institute as an honorary faculty member institute |people |epigenetics |collaborative research |mathematical modelling |signalling |lymphocyte signalling
13/05/2020 Uncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases roychoudhuri |press release |collaborative research |inflammation |immune system |auto-immune disease |3d genome |genomics |allergies |animal research
05/02/2020 Charting immune system development in sub-Saharan African children antibodies |children |development |disease |health |immune system |malaria |vaccination |vaccine |collaborative research |lymphocyte signalling and development |press release |immunology
11/12/2019 Single-cell analysis of the earliest cell fate decisions in development cell biology |chromatin |data |developmental biology |embryo |enhancers |epigenetics |gene expression |genome |dna methylation |single-cell |collaborative research |press release |reik
14/11/2019 Blocking a survival mechanism could tackle melanoma treatment resistance animal research |cancer |cell death |cell signalling |cell survival |collaborative research |drug development |melanoma |signalling |press release |cook
21/10/2019 Health in old age is a lifelong affair ageing |animal research |collaborative research |healthy ageing |lipidomics |lipids |metabolism |signalling |press release
14/08/2019 Pinpointing the molecular mechanisms of ageing ageing |ageing clock |collaborative research |development |disease |epigenetic clock |epigenetics |health |press release
02/05/2019 Tumour cells’ drug addiction may be their downfall ageing |animal research |cancer |cell signalling |collaborative research |experimental study |inhibitors |knowledge exchange |peer-reviewed |press release |signalling |treatment resistance |cook